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contoh kalimat school teacher

"school teacher" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • I'm a school teacher about to womp your ass!
    Aku guru sekolah yang akan menendang bokongmu.
  • Elementary School Teacher dies unnatural death at student's home.
    "Guru Mati Tidak Wajar di Rumah Siswa".
  • Museums are for kids school teachers and old people.
    Museum hanya dikunjungi orangtua anak-anak dan dosen.
  • You know I'm not really a school teacher, right?
    Kamu tahu aku bukan seorang guru, iyakan?
  • Never in all my years as a school teacher.
    Tak pernah kualami sepanjang tahun sebagai guru sekolah.
  • So Ralph Ferguson is a Sunday school teacher?
    Jadi Ralph Ferguson seorang guru sekolah minggu?
  • For high school teachers, those suits looked quite expensive.
    Pakaian mereka terlalu mahal untuk menjadi guru SMA.
  • Save the cliched teenage apathy For your high school teachers.
    Simpan kisah itu buat guru SMA kalian.
  • Government officials, policemen, ARVlN officers, school teachers.
    Pegawai pemerintah, polisi, pegawai ARVIN, guru sekolah.
  • I'm Kumiko Yamaguchi, a high school teacher.
    Aku Yamaguchi Kumiko, seorang guru sekolah menengah.
  • Yes, I was her former school teacher.
    Ya. aku adalah guru di tempatnya bersekolah.
  • A sweet, kind elementary school teacher.
    Guru sekolah yang ramah dan baik hati .
  • It's the school teacher. It's the garbage man.
    Guru sekolah, tukang sampah, anak kecil,
  • I'm just a school teacher from Bayside.
    Aku hanya seorang guru sekolah dari Bayside.
  • My elementary school teacher, she misheard on account of my accent.
    Guru SDku, Dia salah dengar karena aksenku.
  • Women are supposed to be nurses and secretaries and school teachers!
    Wanita seharusnya perawat dan sekretaris dan guru sekolah!
  • How did Emily Thomas become a school teacher?
    Bagaimana Emily Thomas jadi guru?
  • That was one of Martin Broussard's elementary school teachers.
    Itu adalah salah satu Martin Broussard apos; s guru SD.
  • I believe that Mr. Kido was your high school teacher?
    Aku yakin bahwa Tuan Kido adalah guru SMA mu?
  • The Sunday school teacher took! - Next is SEOK Ji-ho, playing the piano.
    Berikutnya adalah Seok Ji-ho, bermain piano.
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